2014 Survey Closeout

The 2014 Navy Retention Study survey is now closed.

A sincere thank you to all who participated to help make this a successful endeavor -- we received 6,141 responses in only one month.

We are now looking at the responses -- all 868 pages of them -- and will be producing some intermediate products before the bulk survey responses are made public.

First, we'll post a report on our website with survey response demographics by June 15th: Who took the survey, the communities they come from, breakdown by rank, and more.

Next, we'll be working with academics and key partners to produce a quality report of our findings, which we expect to be out by Sept 1st.  

Finally, we intend to release as much of the 'raw' survey data as possible, so that you can draw your own conclusions. We haven't set a firm date yet, as we understand the importance of providing information -- including comments -- that protects the personal identity of those who participated. 

Again, thank you. We are incredibly passionate about this topic and are glad to see that so many of you are as well. Thank you for helping make our inaugural survey such a success!


2014 Navy Retention Study Team